It was a great session! Everyone enjoyed it and got a lot of value out of it. Thank you so much, it was a breath of fresh air!

Julia Elliott Brown, Enter The Arena

I felt Helen and Caroline really understood us and the challenges we were facing.

Annemie Ress, PurpleBeach

As a result of their work, we now have an exciting proposition to bring meaning to all our communications.

Annemie Ress, PurpleBeach

I've done this process three times in the past with other people and nobody has got it.  No-one has understood us like Caroline and Helen.

Linda Wade, CEO Spinview

The work of The Listening People is truly helping our London team strengthen our brand presence in this market from the inside out. 

Paul Clarke, MD Communications and Marketing, Paul Hastings

The Listening People have become a trusted partner for strategic advice.

Paul Clarke, MD Communications and Marketing, Paul Hastings

Our collaborative approach

All of our work is founded on listening and working hard to get to the authentic narrative at the heart of your business, and on engaging your biggest advocates in bringing that story to life.

Our methodology is organised into three phases:


We listen actively and carefully to you, your people and your customers. We ask the right questions, exploring every perspective to capture the essence of what drives loyalty and affection for your business.


We co-create messages, programmes and strategies to make your purpose, brand or value proposition compelling. Our Deconditioned Thinking approach unlocks the best ideas through collaboration and creates champions for the way forward.


We help share your story with your audience. We create engaging and exciting messages, assets and campaigns that we test and iterate before launch.